A Beginner’s Guide To Playing Games On Linux: Enjoying Your Steam Library And Useful Info On Graphics Drivers

A lot of things have improved on Linux gaming since Steam Proton launched. There are a tremendous amount of games, including many Windows ones, which you can now run on Linux.

See https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2019/10/02/a-beginners-guide-to-playing-games-on-linux-part-1-enjoying-your-steam-library/#56ae6d694752

#gaming #linux #steamgames
#^A Beginner’s Guide To Playing Games On Linux, Part 1: Enjoying Your Steam Library


Learn how to play your Windows Steam library on Linux, and discover a tool that makes it easy to find out which games are compatible!

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/beginners-guide-playing-games-linux-enjoying-your-steam-library-and-useful-info-graphics-drivers
