10 Keto Candy Ideas to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth the Low-Carb Way

For many dieters — especially those on the keto diet — Halloween is the start of a holiday season that can become a slippery slope of indulgent eating. Let’s face it: If you get off on the wrong foot now, the rest of the year will be an uphill battle. But don’t despair: Eat This Not That has rounded up 10 keto candy and keto dessert options that can satisfy your cravings.

See https://www.eatthis.com/keto-candy-ideas/

#LCHF #diet
#^10 Low-Carb Keto Candy Options for Your Sweet Tooth | Eat This Not That


There are plenty of keto candy and keto dessert options that can satisfy your sweet tooth while keeping you moving toward your low-carb goals.

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/10-keto-candy-ideas-satisfy-your-sweet-tooth-low-carb-way
