Tesla battery researcher unveils new cell that could last 1 million miles in ‘robot taxis’ - Current tech is 300,000 miles and 500,000 miles

Earlier this year, Musk said that they built Model 3 to last as long as a commercial truck, a million miles, and the battery modules should last between 300,000 miles and 500,000 miles. However, the CEO claims that Tesla has a new battery coming up next year that will last a million miles.

The new battery tested is a Li-Ion battery cell with a next-generation “single crystal” NMC cathode and a new advanced electrolyte. Dahn’s team have been extensively testing these cells and based on the results, they think that the battery could power an electric car “for over 1.6 million kilometres [1 million miles].” With an active cooling system, like in Tesla’s battery pack, it was pushing the battery cells to over 6,000 cycles, which would easily mean over 1 million miles in a good battery pack.

More info at http://www.impactlab.net/2019/09/15/tesla-battery-researcher-unveils-new-cell-that-could-last-1-million-miles-in-robot-taxis/

#tesla #batteries
#^ Tesla battery researcher unveils new cell that could last 1 million miles in ‘robot taxis’


Tesla’s battery research partner has released a new paper on a battery cell that could last over 1 million miles, which they say is going to be particularly useful in ‘robot taxis’ — something that Tesla wants to bring to market. When talking about the economics of Tesla’s future fleet of robotaxis at the Tesla Autonomy Event, Tesla CEO E...

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/node/3629
