How to configure a radio for APRS location and data reporting in South Africa

APRS stands for Automatic Packet Reporting System and it is an amateur radio-based system for realtime digital (text not audio/voice) communication of information specific to an area or a place. This information could be a weather station with location and weather information, or text messages, or announcements, or the identity, location, speed etc of something.

So a Disaster Management team, for example, could see where a number of volunteers are located and moving on a map, based on the information sent from their radios in realtime or sometimes also from their mobile phones if they are using an APRS app and have mobile phone data coverage. The radio side is useful where there is no mobile phone coverage available, or where data costs want to be voided, as it can work independently from mobile networks.

I had some challenges setting it up for digital and analogue reporting in South Africa so I compiled this guide for others to follow. Although it is based on my Anytone radio, the content may well be of use to others trying to get their APRS reporting to work.


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#^How to configure APRS Reporting in South Africa | Gadgeteer


