Ransomware Attack Hits 23 Local Governments In Texas - Pooere municipalities cannot afford the loss of income
This is fast becoming a reality likely because government municipalities (especially smaller ones) are easier targets. But we must not think poorer 3rd world municipalities are immune as they don't sit on piles of cash, as they can least afford having their services and income effected. Such attacks often mean not being able to receive income or pay creditors.
Online backups may also not be good enough it these, in turn, get overwritten by the virus. Municipalities would do well to familiarise themselves with basic preventative measures.
See #^https://www.kut.org/post/ransomware-attack-hits-local-governments-texas
Some tips can be found at #^https://us.norton.com/internetsecurity-malware-7-tips-to-prevent-ransomware.html and at #^https://phoenixnap.com/blog/preventing-detecting-ransomware-attacks
#ransomware #vulnerability #security
#^Ransomware Attack Hits Local Governments In Texas
Update: The number of local government entities in Texas affected by a ransomware attack is now up to 23. In a release Saturday afternoon , the Texas
source https://gadgeteer.co.za/node/3464