How to Shave Like Kirby Allison - Morning Routine | Wet Shaving Pro Guide (Video)

In this video, Kirby goes step by step on how to wet shave like a pro. All of the products you will need, the steps to create a perfect lather, and tips on how to use a safety razor on sensitive parts of the face.

Must say it was a first for me to see a guy shaving in a shirt and tie! But its all good practical advice - I just prefer a boar brush when I use a hard soap.

Watch at #^

#wetshaing #traditionalshaving
#^How to Shave Like Kirby Allison 👨‍💼 - Morning Routine | Wet Shaving Pro Guide


How to Shave Like Kirby Allison 👨‍💼 - Morning Routine | Wet Shaving Pro Guide... In this video, Kirby goes step by step on how to wet shave like a pro. All o...

