Ensure a Photo Is Not Fake News With Google Reverse Image Search Before Resharing

If the past few years have taught us all something it’s that “fake news” has found its home on social media. While “fake” posts are often news stories, they can also be images that people share, sometimes without the knowledge that what they’re sharing isn’t factual.

For instance: Last week French President Emmanuel Macron posted an image along with a post calling for an emergency order to help save the Amazon rain forest. Yes, there’s a tremendous catastrophe happening in the Amazon, but the photo Macron posted was actually a 16-year-old stock photo of the Amazon taken by a photographer who died in 2003.

See how at https://lifehacker.com/ensure-a-photo-is-legit-with-google-reverse-image-searc-1837715954

#fakenews #googlereverseimagesearch #images
#^Ensure a Photo Is Legit With Google Reverse Image Search


If the past few years have taught us all something it’s that “fake news” has found its home on social media.

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/node/3512
