5 best KDE-based Linux distributions to try out

The KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment is a traditional, modern interface that is similar to Microsoft Windows. It’s currently the version 5 iteration of the desktop, and ships on all major Linux operating systems, as well as BSD and other Unix-based OSes.

In the Linux community, many distributions choose to ship KDE Plasma 5 as their primary desktop. That said, some do it better than others. This list shows some of the best to try out.  I have been using Manjaro KDE for a while now and am really happy with it. If you want to use KDE, going with a distro that uses it as a primary desktop is always a better experience.

See 5 best KDE-based Linux distributions to try out


5 best KDE-based Linux distributions to try out

#KDE #linux

source https://drupal.gadgeteerza.co.za/node/3188
