When Is The Best Time To Shave Your Face? Maybe its time to consider switching from the "standard" morning shave

Most men shave as part of their morning routine simply out of habit. It’s what their dad taught them to do, and their dad before them. But, have you ever actually sat and wondered, when is the best time to shave your face?

The linked article below takes a look at some things you may not have considered before, and you why you may want to decide to try shaving at night, and why you may decide you should stick to shaving in the morning.

It's very true the morning is a rush and any accidents then make the morning rush worse, and as a night ow myself an extra 30 mins or so saving in the morning means some extra sleep time... I probably just need to give this a try myself.

See sharpologist.com/2019/04/when-…

#traditionalshaving #shaving

source https://squeet.me/display/962c3e10-125c-c09a-b185-939060104031
