War Thunder vs World of Tanks - Which Game Is Better?

A video review done by a player who has played both games for a while. The games do differ a lot in terms of the approach (War Thunder also has a lot more than just tanks to play) but it all depends on what the player wants so the "better" is relevant to yourself. Anyone who says the one game is better than the other for everyone ignores the fact players look for different things they want out of a game.

So no denying the realism aspect of War Thunder is better than WoT but many players prefer WoT hit points system for damage. The real bottom line is War Thunder has more realism vs Wordlf of Tanks leaning more towards arcade style playing (in terms of gameplay style).

Watch at youtu.be/CS0mlEEgLqM

#tanks #WoT #warthunder youtu.be/CS0mlEEgLqM

source https://squeet.me/display/962c3e10-165c-c431-0b43-ee3531700565
