"Why I chose Brave as my Chrome browser replacement" vs Vivaldi

"Why I chose Brave as my Chrome browser replacement" vs Vivaldi

"This year, I’m pretty sure I’ve found the ideal Chrome alternative in the Brave browser. If your reasons for sticking with Chrome have been (a) extensions, (b) compatibility, (c) syncing across devices, or (d, unlikely) speed, Brave checks all of those boxes. What’s more, it’s just one of a growing number of really good options that aren’t made by Google."

An interesting account to read as the author also started out with Vivaldi (the most customisable Chrome alternative with stacked tabs etc). But Brave bowser may be a bit more stable, it has a mobile app (which Vivaldi still does not have) and of course its original claim to fame which was built in privacy.

Read the post at https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/4/18249623/brave-browser-choice-chrome-vivaldi-replacement-chromium

#brave #chromium

Why I chose Brave as my Chrome browser replacement
Shaking the Chrome habit is getting easier.

from Danie van der Merwe - Google+ Posts https://ift.tt/2Hgq9ba
