Pay your respects at the Google Cemetery, a home for all of Google's dead products and services

Pay your respects at the Google Cemetery, a home for all of Google's dead products and services

Google isn't known for restraint when it comes to creating new products and services (especially ones with features that overlap existing properties), but it's equally notorious for killing off products — sometimes even those with devoted user bases (e.g. Inbox by Gmail). So notorious, in fact, that not one but two different online resources have popped up to highlight all of Google's many dead products. Let's take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?

Services that migrate into something better/new or where it is a lookup type service have little impact on users, but where a user has grown a repository of their data within a service that shuts down completely it is a very painful experience and often where a measure of bitterness is experienced by users.

"Bigcos make decisions based on the same things startups do: 1) Is this what people want? 2) Is there a better product for this need? 3) Does this help the company survive and grow?" Lieb said. Lieb doesn't really address Tan's underlying point, though, which is that by the very nature of Google's size, the company often cares less about a given product than its users — a frustrating dynamic.

And with Google+ it had some of Google's most loyal followers in the service where they had found a niche that offered some uniqueness away from other services. This shutdown has probably been the most impactful for them and contributed to some future distrust of going the whole in future with new Google offerings. Other companies (apart from Yahoo!) live or die by their one major offering, and with Google, this is not the case hence they have less interest vested in any particular product apart from Search.



Pay your respects at the Google Cemetery, a home for all of Google's dead products and services
Google isn't known for restraint when it comes to creating new products and services (especially ones with features that overlap existing properties), but it's equally notorious for killing off products — sometimes even those with devoted user bases (e.g. Inbox by Gmail). So notorious, in fact, that not one

from Danie van der Merwe - Google+ Posts
