Which Vitamins Do You Really Need?

Which Vitamins Do You Really Need?

We all need vitamins, but that doesn’t mean you need to take a vitamin. This week, science gave us another brick for the giant “vitamin pills are useless for most of us” sign that’s been under construction for a while. (It’s a metaphor, but I imagine it as something like the Hollywood sign, except nobody looks at it because they’re all busy shopping for vitamins in the valley below.)

Vitamin pills may be necessary if you have certain health conditions. For example, if you’re pregnant, it’s a good idea to take a prenatal vitamin that includes folic acid. If you’ve been eating nothing but ramen all semester, you might want to stock up on Emergen-C. But if you just have a vague sense that you’d like to be healthier, vitamins aren’t likely to help you, and they might hurt.

It's ironic that the myth of needing vitamin supplements for the average person just does not go away. I say this with some irony because yes I still take an expensive daily multi-vitamin....

See https://vitals.lifehacker.com/which-vitamins-do-you-really-need-1826433744

#vitamins #health

Which Vitamins Do You Really Need?
We all need vitamins, but that doesn’t mean you need to take a vitamin. This week, science gave us another brick for the giant “vitamin pills are useless for most of us” sign that’s been under construction for a while. (It’s a metaphor, but I imagine it as something like the Hollywood sign, except nobody looks at it because they’re all busy shopping for vitamins in the valley below.)

from Danie van der Merwe - Google+ Posts https://ift.tt/2LcdIMh
