LibreOffice 6.0 makes it easier than ever to switch from Microsoft Office

LibreOffice 6.0 makes it easier than ever to switch from Microsoft Office

The Document Foundation has released LibreOffice 6.0 – the latest major upgrade to the open source free office suite. The new version is available now for Windows, macOS, Linux and the cloud, and new features will be rolled out to the Android edition in the coming months.

“This is the start of a new development cycle,” explained Italo Vignoli, co-founder of The Document Foundation. “We want to make out software easier and simpler for users all over the world. They want to be able to access features easily, including people who are used to Microsoft Office.”

The Document Foundation has brought the cloud version of LibreOffice more in line with the desktop version, adding a Save As function, and adding spell-checking to Writer, Calc and Impress. However, it’s important to note that LibreOffice Online is a server service designed for big companies – not a ready-to-use consumer service like Google Docs or Microsoft Office Online.


from Danie van der Merwe - Google+ Posts
