Who Made Linux and Why Is It Free?

Who Made Linux and Why Is It Free?

Linux is the most widely-used free and open source operating system in the world. Unlike commercial alternatives, no single person or company can take credit. Linux is what it is due to the ideas and contributions of many individuals from all over the world.

Here are some of the big names behind Linux and the ethical movements that have caused it to spread far and wide. This list by no means includes all of the people whose work has made the free desktop what it is. Instead, these are the Bill Gates and Steve Jobs of the Linux world, figures who founded many of the projects and organizations we now depend on.

An interesting rundown (and quick read) of what Linux is, how it relates to the GNU Project and how some of the big names helped evolve it.

See http://ift.tt/2vj5tqa

Who Made Linux and Why Is It Free?
Linux is the most widely-used free and open source operating system in the world. Unlike commercial alternatives, no person or company can take credit. But why is it free? And who is behind Linux?

from Danie van der Merwe - Google+ Posts http://ift.tt/2vsuAWX
