Telegram’s Latest v3.18 Update Brings AI-Powered Voice Calls to the IM App With its latest update, Telegram brings Voice Calls to users in the Western European region, with the feature expected to roll out to the rest of the world soon. Telegram’s Voice Call interface is claimed to be familiar to users and easy-to-use. The highlight of these voice calls is the end-to-end encryption employed, the same one that is used in Telegram’s Secret Chats. The key verification UI that is used for ensuring the call is not being snooped through a Man-in-the-Middle attack has received an update as well. To check the security of the call, Telegram now allows you to compare four emojis displayed on the phone with your caller. You can read more about Telegrams Voice Call authentication over at their FAQ page at Telegram’s voice calls will prefer going over a peer-to-peer connection at first. If such a connection is not possible, Telegram will use the geographically closest server to connect the call. Telegram will also be expanding their content delivery network around the globe in the coming months to ensure quick and crisp calls to remote locations as well. See