Congratulations on Reddit's Wicked Edge on reaching 90,000 members! So how many wet shavers are there now in the world? Much like open source software that is downloaded from numerous informal sources and does not require registration, it is similar with wet shaving as many shavers source their shaving products from artisan sources, and others again are finding their grand father's razors and using these. Even from formal brand name sources there are so many different brands in each country producing razor blades for example, that it would be difficult to get accurate figures. I can only say I see plenty of activity on chat forums (like Reddit) as well as YouTube Vblogs, and even podcasts, and on the Reddit forum there constantly people saying they are just starting out and who are looking for tips. But it is not about the numbers: It is about the satisfaction of using good quality products, having a more fun shave, saving money, being lighter on the environment, etc why wet shavers do what they do. See