Using Manual Camera Controls: Improving the Quality and Versatility of Your Photography

Using Manual Camera Controls: Improving the Quality and Versatility of Your Photography with Android Eric Ralph has been exploring mobile photography and has striven to offer his readers some advice for editing their own photography and shooting in RAW, and has also made a case for modern smartphones as valuable tools in and of themselves for anyone interested in exploring the art. Almost all cameras marketed towards the majority of modern consumers utilize automatic camera modes by default. As of late, Android cameras have furthermore been marked by a move to “auto-HDR” software features, a feature which Google’s Pixel line has widely popularized among Android fans following a barrage of praise that was bestowed upon its camera after release. If you have ever struggled desperately against an automatic camera to produce an accurate or desirable photo, taking the leap into manual photography has the potential to benefit you immensely. It also is typically necessary to shoot in manual mode if one wants to shoot in RAW, something he has previously argued as being a boon to the potential quality of smartphone photography. Here he guides you through how to use manual camera controls so you can improve your photography skill. He touches on the various photography concepts and how they are used on different brands of Android phone, as well as some good after market manual photography apps. See
