New Renault Zoe ZE 40 - Double the Range, Same Size Battery (Video) The best news is they have doubled the range on the same size dimension size battery. This apparently means that owners of the older model could swap out for an upgraded battery. I love this approach as much as I love open source software. Other interesting approaches include a plug that should fit most charging stations (playing nicely with everyone) and Renault's negotiations with power providers to turn these cars into storage for smart grids (much like the Nissan Leaf can do). Also Renault is planning a deal with different charging station providers across the EU and UK to allow their drivers to use a single card everywhere (cutting out duplication). The app they are planning to launch in 2017 will also notify drivers whether a charging station is open and whether it is working or not. Personally I'm liking Renault's approach and how they are taking the EV industry forward. It is all about working together. Watch Robert Llewellyn 's video review at