Looking for Easy New Years Resolutions - Here are Two Excellent Podcasts to get us Started Here are two excellent free podcasts to help us turn things around for 2017. Podcasts can meaningfully fill the gaps whilst travelling to work or back, with something that can bring about positive change in our lives. The first is Steal the Show Podcast - Every day, there are moments when you must persuade, inform, and motivate others effectively. Each of these moments requires you in some way, to play a role to heighten the impact of your words, and manage your emotions and nerves. Every interaction is a performance whether you’re speaking up in a meeting, pitching a client, or walking into a job interview. Michael’s great voice and inspiring delivery will keep you hooked from the very first episode. See http://ift.tt/1VTWBRZ. You will also find it in iTunes and PlayerFM as well as via other podcast players. The second is The Art of Charm Podcast - this podcast will teach you to: Become more charismatic in any situation, Master your career by becoming a “super-connector”, and Revamp your love life and intimate relationships with reborn confidence. See http://ift.tt/1CXgFGP.