Offline Survival Manual

Offline Survival Manual for Android This is a Survival Manual / Guide based on the ( public domain ) US Army Survival Field-Manual FM 21-76. It is fully working offline ( which is important to survive in a case of some extreme situation ). It contains info on how to make fire, build a shelter, heal and other useful content in a case of emergency. Anyone who has done any scouting will also be very familiar with much of the content. You can install it from or get the source code from (yes it is FOSS too). It contains the following content: INTRODUCTION - Survival Actions - Pattern for Survival PSYCHOLOGY - A Look at Stress - Natural Reactions - Preparing Yourself PLANNING AND KITS - Importance of Planning - Survival Kits BASIC MEDICINE - Requirements for Maintenance of Health - Medical Emergencies - Lifesaving Steps - Bone and Joint Injury - Bites and Stings - Wounds - Environmental Injuries - Herbal Medicines SHELTER - Primary Shelter—Uniform - Shelter Site Selection - Types of Shelters WATER PROCUREMENT - Water Sources - Still Construction - Water Purification - Water Filtration Devices FIRE - Basic Fire Principles - Site Selection and Preparation - Fire Material Selection - How to Build a Fire - How to Light a Fire FOOD PROCUREMENT - Animals for Food - Traps and Snares - Killing Devices - Fishing Devices - Cooking and Storage of Fish and Game SURVIVAL USE OF PLANTS - Edibility of Plants - Plants for Medicine - Miscellaneous Uses of Plants POISONOUS PLANTS - How Plants Poison - All About Plants - Rules for Avoiding Poisonous Plants - Contact Dermatitis - Ingestion Poisoning DANGEROUS ANIMALS - Insects and Arachnids - Leeches - Bats - Venomous Snakes - Snake-Free Areas - Dangerous Lizards - Dangers in Rivers - Dangers in Bays and Estuaries - Saltwater Dangers - Other Dangerous Sea…
