Google Drive can now backup iPhones to make Android switching easier I've had a number of Samsung Android phones as well as an iPhone before and you never know when you want to switch brands etc. I've alway made a point of not using the OEM's syncing and backup services. So today too on my Macbook I don't use iMessage or Apple's cloud services. I prefer to use something that is more cross-platform. So this move my Google makes it that much easier for iOS users to stay interoperable. Google has updated its website that guides iPhone owners through the process of making the change to Android. But more importantly, the company is also adding a new feature to its Google Drive app on iOS: the ability to instantly back up your contacts, calendar, and camera roll and store it in the cloud. That way, whenever you buy a Pixel or some other Android phone, all your stuff will be waiting in Google’s various apps. It’s all automatic when done this way, as opposed to before when you’d have to upload this stuff from several different apps. The new option is found in the settings menu under “backup.” Also it’s probably not very instant if you’ve got a lot of stuff on your iPhone; Google says it can take several hours in some cases, so you’ll want to have your phone plugged in and on reliable Wi-Fi during the process. The app must stay open and on screen, as well. See