This Device From DARPA Makes Water-Cleaning Chlorine From Salt And A Car Battery Mountain Safety Research's Community Chlorine Maker (now on Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign that can be supported at with 13 hours to go before it closes) was first developed at DARPA; it was standard issue for the Marine Corps for a time. But it's taken new engineering and user experience design to make it a mainstream device, usable even by people with little education or training. The camping light-size device can make enough chlorine to clean 200 liters of water in just five minutes. All villagers need is salt, water, and a decent car battery; the residue is a thick, white chlorine about an inch high. The Indiegogo campaign looks to raise $50,000 to fund the manufacture and distribution of 2,500 units through two other NGO partners: World Vision (Kenya, Mali, Bangladesh) and Operation Blessing (which took units to Haiti after the recent earthquake). See