How social media got Trump elected | TechCentral

How social media got Trump elected America just endured its first presidential election in which the majority of the electorate got its news from social media. And the outcome is already prompting soul searching by the companies that shaped it. Facebook will have to contend with mounting dissatisfaction over its role as the most widely used news filter in history. Forty-four percent of American adults get their media through the site, many consuming news from partisan sources with which they agree. Right or wrong, the fact is social media with its networking capabilities is going to become a major factor in the future of politics. Companies have been grappling with it for a while now, but for many politicians it has been a new concept. Voters will be better informed (whether factually correct or not) and if politicians are not aware and engaging with these voters, the tide may well pass them by. What I do like is that it does actually bring many politicians "closer" to their constituents because in the days of private limos and bodyguards and newspapers.... what to politicians really know about their constituents? And it is not only politicians being connected, here in South Africa we see many voters now getting connected on social media and becoming aware of news from broader sources than just their local community. South Africa also faces national election sin two years time, and the next two years will be interesting ones.... See
