OurGroceries - My Latest Current Shopping List App I'm Using I've been using shopping list apps for many years now, mainly because my wife or I can add items anytime at any place and it will be ready for when I go shopping on the weekend (no bits of paper lost or forgotten at home). So I have built up a number of criteria I look for which it needs to satisfy. I did try an app that uses my Pebble watch but I just never found that small screen view so easy to navigate and I have scrapped this from my list of criteria for now. So my must haves are (and yours may well vary): 1. Desktop browser view for serious editing, sorting, etc. 2. Syncing between multiple devices such as Android and iOS (so my wife can also add). Notifications that a new item was added by someone else is also a plus. 3. Aisle / Category sorting - I use this a lot to start at one side of the grocery store and tick my items off in order. So preset categories are no good to me at all, as often I need a finer split between baking items and for example the nuts aisle. Custom sorting is therefore often the deal breaker for me. 4. Photos - I've tried to do without this but I often really need it to remember specifically which Vitamin B or Olive Oil variety I buy, or if my wife adds an unusual item I need to find on the shelf. 5. Multiple lists is a given, as I separate my pharmacy, grocery, hardware shopping. 6. Easy adding - a ticked off item must be easy to put back again for the next shopping trip. Ability to have favourites is a plus. 7. Quantities / Descriptions - a must as "toothpaste" does not guide me as a complete description. 8. Recipes - not a must, but useful if you have a number of item you buy everytime you want to prepare something regularly. I'm not that worried about barcode scanning or coupons (no coupons ability seems to work outside of the USA anyway). I've been through Out of Milk (no photos), Grosh (no photos and… http://bit.ly/2ecnB04