How to create interactive PDFs with LibreOffice For the last decade, the PDF has been a critical element in business. Granted, over the last few years the prevalence of the PDF has been reduced, thanks to mobile apps and other digital tools. Nevertheless, the PDF still holds powerful sway over business. Why? It's easy to use, easy to create, and can be viewed on nearly every type of device. One of the more important, business-centric elements of the PDF is the ability to create interactive documents. With these files, users can answer questions, fill in missing information, and so much more. Most assume you have to work with a tool specifically designed to create interactive PDFs (such as Scribus). Or worse, that you would have to use a command line tool like LyX. You'd be surprised to find out that neither are required. In fact, thanks to LibreOffice, interactive PDFs are incredibly easy to create. See how to do it for Windows, Mac or Linux at