Interest In Electric Cars Is Increasing Says CFA Report - Gas 2

Interest In Electric Cars Is Increasing Says CFA Report A survey conducted on behalf of the Consumer Federation Of America in August shows that interest in electric cars is increasing in America. Overall, the percentage of people who say they would consider buying an electric car has grown from 31% last year to 36%. Young adults 18 to 34 have the highest level of interest at 50%. The CFA says sales of electric cars grew faster in the first four years they were generally available that sales of hybrids like the Toyota Prius did during the first four years they were offered for sale. “As the younger buyers enter the market, more attractive EVs are made available, and consumers learn more about these vehicles, interest in purchasing them is likely to grow significantly,” said CFA’s Gillis. When the federal tax credit is taken into account, there are several electric cars on the market that cost less than gas powered models. The average price of cars and light trucks in America last year was $33,560. Several electric cars cost less than that after all rebates and incentives are considered. In addition, more models are coming available all the time. This year, there are 25 versions of electric cars available. Next year, that number is expected to grow to 33. See
