This Theme Pack Makes GIMP Look and Work Like Photoshop

This Theme Pack Makes GIMP Look and Work Like Photoshop For FOSS purists it must sound like a heresy, but there is a method in the madness of trying to make Gimp look like Photoshop. It certainly helps those switching to open-source tools. If a designer has spent several years using Photoshop they’ll be used to its layout, its app shortcuts, its tools. Skinning GIMP to look (and work) more like Photoshop helps switchers feel more comfortable, and lowers the learning hurdle that (naturally) exists in transitioning. On a more minor note it may be that some simply prefer the aesthetic of Photoshop, like its monochrome toolbar icons and simple window layout. Whatever the reasoning behind wanting to adopt the look, DeviantArt user DoctorMo has made it easy. He’s packed up some of best known GIMP Photoshop tweaks into one ready-to-roll bundle. The pack includes: - Photoshop icons for the toolbox - Photoshop keyboard shortcuts (e.g., ‘p’ for pen, ‘c’ for crop, etc.) - A dark grey background - Photoshop layout - Tool options placed on the right-hand side See
