This man is cycling around the UK in virtual reality using Google Street View Aaron Puzey says it started out of boredom. He'd been toiling away on his exercise bike for half an hour a day for years, and things were beginning to get tedious. "I'd been day dreaming for a while about the possibility of using VR to make it a bit more fun," Puzey told The Verge by email. "And now of course the technology has arrived to make it happen." His solution? Hooking a Galaxy Gear up to Google Street View and cycling the length of the UK — 1,500 kilometers from Land's End to John o' Groats — all from the comfort of his front room. Puzey says he had to develop his own app to download the 3D data from Street View and make it viewable in the VR headset, but other than that, the setup was simple. He just taped a Bluetooth cadence monitor to his bike to measure its RPM, and sends this data to the Gear VR as instructions to advance through his route. Watching the video (and remembering he is wearing the VR headset) I could see how this could be quite interesting to try out. It really beats just watching TV while riding a stationary bike. See