Crohn’s Disease Successfully Treated With the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet Crohn’s disease is a relatively common inflammatory disease of the intestines. It’s usually a lifelong disease of unknown cause, and it’s mainly treated by drugs that suppress the immune system, like cortisone. These drugs do not treat the cause of the disease, and thus they can’t cure it. It’s likely that the cause of the disease is something in the environment, and being a disease of the intestines it would make a lot of sense if the cause was something in our food. I’ve heard many cases where people started a strict low-carb diet, or a Paleo diet, and vastly improved the symptoms of their Crohn’s disease or, even more commonly, the similar disease ulcerative colitis. Obviously a single case report is not proof that this will work equally well for anyone else, much less for everyone. So this has to be interpreted with a lot of caution. In addition, the diet the patient went on sounds like it could be too hard to maintain for many people. It’s also worth mentioning that neither a ketogenic low-carb diet, nor a Paleo diet, has anything like the side effects or risks of immunosuppressive drugs. And if there is a positive effect it often seems to be noticeable within weeks. So why not test it? See