The Real Reason Pot Is Still Illegal

The Real Reason Pot Is Still Illegal Opponents of marijuana-law reform insist that legalisation is dangerous — but the biggest threat is to their own bottom line.... It's a fascinating read and one which rings the same bells as for tobacco, oil, sugar, low-fat food, etc. You can always follow the money back from the lobbyists to the industry behind it. Part of the issue here is that many of the lobbyists have been shown to have links and ties back to the big pharmaceutical companies (especially those selling painkillers) - see And the other part of the issue (the root cause) is that the painkiller business is massive (despite it causing many deaths - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that more Americans now die from painkillers than from heroin and cocaine combined. Purdue Pharma has made more than $27 billion in revenues from OxyContin alone since 1996), and a study has shown that where medical marijuana has been legalised, these States have about a 25% lower death rate from abuse of prescription painkillers - see the article at and the study at Many will argue that this may not be 100% conclusive but nevertheless it smells and one hopes that lives and citizens' interests come before profits. See
