Automotive heads-up market set to quadruple

Automotive heads-up market set to quadruple The automotive heads-up display (HUD) market is set to quadruple, reaching 16 million installed units by 2021. This is according to Juniper Research's recent study: Automotive HUDs: Innovations, Strategies & Leaders 2016-2021. According to the study, the market will be driven by increased adoption in mass-market vehicles, with growth boosted by aftermarket HUD sales. HUD provides information such as oil level or tyre pressure, and alerts the driver to the distance between two vehicles, says Research and Markets. Incorporating advanced display technology can dynamically upgrade the functionality of cars, it adds. I've driven with an OEM HUD display in a Toyota Prius and it is quite nice not having to glance down at the dashboard for essential info such as speed and economy. There are also already aftermarket HUD units like Navdy's, and also such as the A8 HUD device that connects to an ODB-II port ( See
