
The Ultrahuman Ring Air: The best smart ring for fitness junkies beats the Oura in 4 major ways

This YouTuber shows off running Steam games on a Raspberry Pi 5

High Level Steps to Migrate my Docker Hosting to a Different Hosting Service

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know You Could do With Nano Editor

Can you safely revive a dead lithium-ion battery? Yes – here’s how

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Some Downtime Due to Migration of Hosting

Uncapped Internet at R99pm on a meshed network for South African low-income communities

Lossless Audio Does Not Sound Better Than MP3 To Most People

Oh, Zot! Nomadic Identity is Coming to ActivityPub: This could change the Fediverse forever

This is the most completely authentic 737 home flight simulator I’ve seen to date

Radicle is an open source, peer-to-peer code collaboration stack alternative to GitHub

This is a good tutorial for morphing two still images into an animated GIF with GIMP

Fresh version of Windows user-friendly Zorin OS arrives to tempt the Linux-wary

CATS is a new comms and telemetry standard intended to surpass the current APRS standard by leveraging modern, super-cheap FSK transceivers