
Use open source cross-platform OBS, OpenShot (or Kdenlive), and Audacity to create videos to teach your learners

How to use screen command to improve your productivity on Linux terminal, for example to maintain work between dropped SSH sessions

Internet Archive Scholar where you can search millions of research papers

How to Tell Which Emails Quietly Track You and How to Overcome Pixel Tracking

What is the digital divide? Digital Equity is not the same as Digital Inclusion, and why we MUST have Digital Divide Indexes for every Country

When Google (or other cloud service provider) locks you out of your account, begging the internet for help is your first (and last) resort

Use gImageReader to Extract Text From Images and PDFs on Linux

Watchy: Remember Pebble? This Arduino-Compatible Open Source Hackable $50 Smartwatch Uses An ESP32 Microcontroller And An E-ink Display

The RedMagic 6 Pro has just been announced: The most powerful Android phone ever just launched with 18GB of RAM and 165Hz display

Widgetsmith has some useful free widgets for iOS

Opibus Is Scaling Electric Vehicle Conversions For Mass Transit Vehicles To Make Electric Mobility More Accessible In Kenya

croc is a free and open source cross-platform P2P command line tool for secure file transfers between computers

5 useful Moodle plugins to engage students - Use plugins to give your e-learning platform new capabilities that motivate students

Canonical Chooses Google’s Open Source Cross-Platform Flutter UI SDK to Build Future Ubuntu Apps

How To Use VIM Editor - Because if you've not used it for years you won't be able to exit it